Tag Archives: Dancing

Day 17: Went to a Suburb Bar

Weekends can be sort of stressful because exciting activities are expected. When I got home from work, I wanted to lay down and be lazy, and maybe go to bed at 8 p.m. But, I had to do something “photoworthy.” So, my roommate told me to take my dirtbag self and shower and get ready, that we were going to suburbia.

Spencer picked up some flavored vodka and sparkling water (fyi, this is a delicious drink that makes you stay hydrated too!), and came over. Then we tripped it out to the burbs (stayed at her sister’s house), and trekked to Wild Bill’s.

It was like an Ed Hardy explosion.

And we.got.drunk.

122_0105122_0106122_0117 At the end of the night, Elton John and Sweaty Cowboy showed up. Initially we tried to get a sneaky picture (“I’ll stand behind them, just pretend you’re taking a picture of me”).122_0120 Then I just jumped in there.122_0119 I tend to force photos on strangers.hallWe danced our butts off, sang (poorly…I really don’t know the lyrics to any songs), glass-clinked, and hip checked people who came too close to the hurricane that was us.122_0122And then we returned the next day for a bloody mary (which was pretty good). But really, we weren’t hungover–only tired. We think this is because of the drinks with water (instead of pop), the dancing, and the giant Toppers mac & cheese with bacon pizza we devoured before bed (and holy crap was that good).

Time to go raid the leftovers…

Day 10: Photoshoot with Spencer

With last year’s tax refund money, I bought a camera. I thought it was a great investment, especially since I’m trying to get more freelance articles out there.

It’s also a lot of fun to play model.

We started off as focused as we could be on a Friday night.spencerspencer2muah2And we had some supplementary drinks.usAnd jumped around a lot. (And yes, spilled often.)jumpAnd, something changed in our photos.lovesillyturkeyweirdos

Day 4: Went to a Bluegrass Show

Last night, for day 4, some buds and I headed to the Ice House to see a Bluegrass band.

There was an $8 cover, and the drinks weren’t cheap (but it was my own fault for committing to some very extreme pinot noir guzzling).

The venue has a real nice ambience, the low lighting that helps you stay off your phone–because when you look up from the extreme screen brightness, you are temporarily blind–and instead be present with your company.

I think this place would be great for a date.

ice house

We started upstairs, where it was harder to see/enjoy the band, and the waiter was slow and disengaged. He used an electronic phone-like device to take orders (when he rarely did take our order), and I was convinced he was texting right in front of us. Kids these days.2014-01-05 13.45.08-6

There was a hole in the wall next to our table, and after I searched it for any notes (there were none), I wanted to know what was on the other side of that mysterious wall. So I stuck my camera through and took a picture.2014-01-05 13.45.08-5

It was just the bathroom.2014-01-05 13.45.08-7

My cheap camera (the one I take out when I’m drinking), takes some really bad photos.2014-01-05 13.45.08-9

After these starter shots, my battery light started blinking. Unfortunately, it died a little later, missing all the dance photo opportunities, and the potential center stage band shots/videos.2014-01-05 13.45.08-13

We moved down to a booth on the main floor, where the music was closer, and the waitress was wonderful.2014-01-05 13.45.08-15

And we sat and drank.2014-01-05 13.45.08-16And a buzz started. And a camera died.

And we danced.

I twirled strangers, laughed and swayed, and after the band’s last song, we yelled ENCORE! So, for the grand finale, the band came out on the floor with us. I couldn’t stop staring at their fingers, moving so easily between chords. I also couldn’t stop staring at the main guitarist’s flesh-colored mustache.

As we waited for the cab to pull up, the bartender shot whiskey in our mouths via a mustard bottle. He also cured Krista’s hiccups. And again, I was fascinated by facial hair. I just couldn’t stop complimenting his beard.